Your Roadmap to Today’s Hot Topics in HR

Open to: 
PhilMO Members (free) and Non-Member Funders ($50)
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
12:00pm to 1:30pm CDT
Online via Zoom
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With the magnitude of changes in federal employment laws and regulations that employers have been expected to navigate in the last year, many are realizing that they need some more information and support. This presentation will provide you with a roadmap on the following topics:

  • Maintaining your diversity, equity, and inclusion objectives while complying with non-discrimination laws;

  • Updating your employee handbooks to recognize expanded protected classes and remote workforces;

  • Implementing accommodation procedures for pregnant and nursing employees and employees with sincerely held religious beliefs;

  • Reviewing your investigatory protocols responsive to employee complaints of harassment; and

  • Preparing for the utilization of AI technology.

Please bring your questions, and we’ll navigate a few scenarios together! This program is relevant to ALL funder types.

Featured Speaker
Rebecca Seguin-Skrabucha, Bodman’s Workplace Law Practice Group

Rebecca Seguin-Skrabucha focuses on workplace, municipal, and finance law at the Bodman's Workplace Law Practice Group. She concentrates her practice in advising employers, including municipal governments and businesses of all sizes, on compliance with state and federal employment and labor laws. Ms. Seguin-Skrabucha handles a wide variety of employment matters and helps employers establish best
practices for all stages of employment, including hiring and onboarding, disciplinary actions and termination procedures, and leave administration. She also conducts workplace investigations and management training. Ms. Seguin-Skrabucha has experience defending employers against employment claims before state and federal courts and before administrative agencies, including the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the Michigan Department of Civil Rights. She represents employers in disputes involving claims of discrimination, retaliation, harassment, and alleged violations of the FMLA, ADA, ADEA, and FLSA.
Ms. Seguin-Skrabucha is a frequent author and presenter on labor and employment law topics and an active participant in the State Bar of Michigan’s Labor and Employment Law Section. 


What is the "Midwest Partnership"?

The Midwest Partnership Series is a collaboration between the Council of Michigan Foundations, Indiana Philanthropy Alliance, Philanthropy Missouri, and Philanthropy Ohio.

Programming is primarily a monthly webinar that connects funders across the four states and are typically designed for community foundations, corporate foundations and giving programs, and/or family foundations. Occasionally, a program will be relevant to all foundation types -- and all foundation types may register for any program. Also occassionally, the states partner to host an in-person learning opportunity.

Participation in the webinars is free for Member organizations; Non-Members may register for events for a fee of $50 by emailing

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