Who Can Join

Philanthropy Missouri offers three types of membership: full, associate, and regional partners. Full Members are philanthropic organizations that make charitable contributions to multiple 501(c)3 nonprofits. Associate Members are professional advisors and consultants whose primary business activity is to support grantmaking and nonprofit service delivery. Regional Partners are regional and/or statewide infrastructure organizations that have significant interaction with the nonprofit and philanthropic sectors. Members join as an organization, and each of their representatives involved in grantmaking or supporting grantmakers are welcome to attend events and use our services.

While each of their missions is unique, our Members are united by a desire to increase the effectiveness of their charitable giving, and they look to Philanthropy Missouri for programs, information, and research to help them create a positive impact.

Organizations eligible for full membership include:

  • Community Foundations
  • Corporate Foundations/Corporate Giving Programs
  • Donor-Advised Funds
  • Family Foundations
  • Federated Funds
  • Giving Circles
  • Private Foundations
  • Public Religious Charities
  • Publicly Funded or Tax-Supported Grantmakers

Organizations typically eligible for associate membership include:

  • Regional Partners
  • Consultants
  • Advisors
  • Estate Planners
  • Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs)

Organizations eligible for regional partner membership include:

  • Community Action Agencies
  • Regional Planning Commissions
  • Governmental Agencies
  • Chambers of Commerce
  • Community Partnerships
  • Regional Associations
  • Academic Institutions
  • Other Infrastructure Organizations

To see a list of your peers who are already Members, click here.